Heiring the heart of precedent owner infinitely loved Mingei Chuichi Miyake, the previous owner of "Eirakucho Suehiro Honten" was deeply fascinated by miscellaneous wares of unknown workmanship. Once, sympathized with Muneyoshi Yanagi who had devoted to the beauty of Mingei to develope his own technical art theory, he joined in the Mingei diffusion campaign together with Yanagi, Shoji Hamada, Kanjiro Kawai, and Bernard Leach. He devoted himself in recovery and diffusion of Mingei articles to preserve diminishing traditional skills of artisan. The stage of putting his theory in practice was "Eirakucho Suehiro Honten" opened in the 26th year of Showa(1951). The restaurant was styled in a private house. All...
"Suehiro Annex Eirakuso" (1930) As the time passed, the Western food restaurant "Koutokusha" unified the name to "Suehiro". On March 10 in the 5th year of Showa (1930), the signboard "Beefsteak Restaurant Suehiro" was first shown at Sonezakishinchi. The number of customer kept increasing afterwards to get famed by mouth-to-mouth. And in the 9th year of Showa (1934),"Suehiro Annex Eirakuso" was established, which was the origin of our current restaurant "Eirakucho Suehiro Honten". "Kuidaore" Osaka Osaka, the birth place of Suehiro, is known as the city of epicurism called "Kuidaore".It is surrounded by Matsusaka, Tajima, Kobe, each district is noted for producing top quality beef cattles in Kansai area....
City of water, Osaka Osaka is named the city of water after so many rivers and canals ran through it in old days as was referred to"eight hundred and eight bridges"had been built.Our restaurant in the name of Suehiro first opened at the foot of Shijimibashi bridge,Dojima. On the subur bs of Osaka,there still remains such noted towns as Ikeda,Fushimi,and Nada each favored with pure natural water springing forth.The best of Sake brewed from such water will surely be essential to your enjoyable dinner to play an excellent supporting role.